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Elisabet Barnes

Date: 17th June 2022
Elisabet Barnes

Photo Credit: Ian Corless Photography

Elisabet Barnes

Having won races like Marathon Des Sables, the Oman Desert Marathon and the Big Red Run in Australia and setting multiple course records, Elisabet Barnes was an accomplished ultra-runner by anyone's standards; but why, having grown up in Scandinavia, has she achieved her success in the desert?

Elisabet retired from ultra-running during the pandemic and is an ultra-coach, but she has added a new (and very different) string to her bow by qualifying as a sexologist and is aiming to help people transform their relationships and upgrade their sex lives!

Claire and I wanted to get to the bottom of the secrets to succeeding at desert races, how to make a living from running, and how endurance sport affects our relationships.


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Elisabet's Coaching/Running Website and Social Media:

Facebook: @UltraCoachEli

Elisabet's Relationship Website and Social Media:

Instagram: @elisabetbarnes
Facebook: @ElisabetBarnesTherapy 


Claire Fudge
Instagram: @the4thdiscipline - click here or on Logo below for discount on your purchases.

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