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Michael Crawley

Date: 20th November 2024

Today on The Business of Endurance, we’re joined by the incredible Michael Crawley - a world-class runner, anthropologist, and author of Out of Thin Air and To the Limit. Michael has spent years running alongside Ethiopia’s elite athletes and exploring the farthest edges of human endurance. In this episode, he takes us deep into the mindset, community, and unseen struggles that define world-class endurance running. We’ll discuss the powerful role of ‘tribe’ in building endurance, the pros and cons of relying on technology, and whether books like Born to Run are inspirational or misleading myths. Michael also dives into what it takes to develop an endurance mindset and why so many people are drawn to pushing their limits today. If you’re looking to sharpen your mental game, understand the science behind the sport, or balance performance with sustainability, this conversation is packed with insights you won’t want to miss.


  • Michael's Running Journey
  • Ethiopian Running Culture
  • Training as a Community
  • Technology in Running
  • Born to Run and Cultural Perspectives
  • Mental Endurance and Motivation
  • Endurance Sports and Environmental Impact
  • Social Media and Athlete Branding

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This episode was sponsored by:

The Trusted Team

and 4th Discipline



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